In Crisis

If you or someone you know has thoughts of death or suicide, call 9-8-8 or 9-1-1 immediately. Or contact a medical professional, clergy member, loved one, friend, or hospital emergency room.

Join Us

We are the DBSA Denver Support Group. We meet on the first and third Mondays of every month at 7:00pm MT on Zoom. To join us, please email

You may come as often as you like, you are not required to attend every week. We have many members that stop in from time to time. Please join us at least once to see if the group helps you. We look forward to seeing you.

About Us

We are an adult, age 18 or older, support group for individuals dealing with bipolar or depression issues. Anyone is welcome, as long as you are not suicidal, and you are taking your medications according to your doctor’s instructions. We also welcome friends and family members of those that have bipolar or depression issues. We are a non-denominational faith based group, and have a short prayer before and after meetings. We accept the diversity of our racial, sexual, religious, cultural and disorder differences. Our group is peer led, meaning we are not credentialed professionals. We have a confidentiality agreement that everyone signs, so what’s said in the group, stays in the group. We don’t need to know if you are going to attend, so all you need to do is to show up.

We meet for an hour or so and open our meeting collecting mood ratings from everyone. We then have an opening prayer and go around individually, being cognizant of time being made available for everyone to share, and you talk about what has happened since the last meeting. Some topics that people discuss are how they are doing on medications, their doctors, their search for doctors, how their week has been going, and other topics that they wish to bring up. Other members of the group sometimes weigh in, discussing their own experiences. No one is required to share and may just listen in. We then close our meeting in prayer.

Things To Do

Remember that exercise is one of the best things that you can do for your mental health! Take time to go for a walk and get outside when you can.

Be involved with your mental health. It is perfectly acceptable to question your doctors and to be active in the decisions that they make about your mental health and medications. Do not be afraid to speak up for yourself and be your own advocate.

Here are some other sites to visit.


You may reach us via email at